Oregon League Newsletter

28 Jun 2024 by Lillian Schiavo

Here is a link to the Oregon League newsletter. https://links.oregonmtb.org/e/evib?t=633ba9d963444605ad11dbdd079fd66f&m=5e3cbd11841d4055aae9975786fab5d5&e=1kfpmulJGgCbgZgW7pUl4bMJ00n47IKlM85rJjGQ7bx4nY13-cp1GBKnini-8tY

As the season progresses, I get super busy and don’t always get to pass these along. When you registered you were automatically subscribed to them. Check your spam/junk folders.

If you are not getting or unsubscribed, I strongly recommend resubscribing. There is valuable information, and this gets super critical when we get into race season with last minute announcements.

Given I put so much communication already thru this app, I try not to be redundant either.


Just scroll to the bottom and fill out the details and viola! You will be forever informed!

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