Zach's Bikes - Weekly shop rides (Mondays & Wednesdays - 6pm to 7:30)

16 May 2022 by Lillian Schiavo

Hey Team! Zach’s Bikes is starting up their weekly shop rides.

If you want to get some fitness/base riding in the road ride is perfect (Monday nights). For our faster riders, I believe you would be able to keep up riding your mountain bike. I think average pace is about 13-15mph. Myself and Coach Daren (our new coach) will be leading and sweeping this ride. On Wednesday, we have a beginner and intermediate mountain bike ride. These are social rides. The intermediate ride does more advanced trails and is a faster paced ride. The beginner ride, rides the easier trails. Any of our returning riders would find one of these rides appropriate for their skill and fitness level. If you aren’t sure what level ride would be appropriate, feel free to message or call Zach or me. Please note that we will need a waiver signed by your parent and/or legal guardian, if you are under 18.

Also, based on availability, we have demos available to use (but require advance reservations, and parental signature/permission). This is also an opportunity for parents, who might want to join one of our mountain bike rides, that don’t have a bike appropriate for our trails. Parents, if you are interested in riding, please DO join our ride. We ride about an 1 1/2 hour (we do stop for short breaks) and for all to regroup. For the beginner ride, which I lead, I pick trails that fit the skill and fitness level of ALL the riders.

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